

India bleeds of creativity! From dance. music, movies,to Art,our country is rich in cultural heritage and home to numerous forms of art. Indian art is a concise term encompassing a broad range, in terms of medium, timescale and geography. It covers an immense variety of forms, including pottery and sculpture, jewelry, cave paintings, and textiles. …


Adaptive Reuse & Conservation of Heritage buildings as \”Heritage Hotels\”

Conservation Conservation is the action taken to prevent decay of any kind. It includes life of our cultural and natural heritage. The meaning of conservation has changed over time and it differs in different countries. The change in attitude of a society, towards its architectural and cultural heritage means that conservation is not a constant …

Adaptive Reuse & Conservation of Heritage buildings as \”Heritage Hotels\” Read More »

10 ways to enhance Concept Development Skills for an Architecture Student

First question which comes across any Architecture student when one is asked to design a space is: What should be the Concept? And from where one should derive it? And moreover, will the teacher approve of it? This article is written for students to help them develop and articulate ideas and concepts.   Context of …

10 ways to enhance Concept Development Skills for an Architecture Student Read More »

Planning of the Walled City: AHMEDABAD

THE CITYThe city since its founding in A.D.1411 by Ahmed Shah, has been among the most important regions in the Indian-subcontinent that generated and sustained the notions of architectural creations till date. A plethora of step-wells, temples, palaces, mosques, mausoleum and institutions, the architecture has always remained an amalgamated of the deep rooted traditional values …

Planning of the Walled City: AHMEDABAD Read More »