Our brains are “wired for pleasure,” and that games are an effective way to learn because they simulate adventure and keep our brains engaged and happy.Many previous studies have demonstrated that learning motivation and efficiency can be enhanced through educational games, and the recent introduction of enriched gaming elements has made such games increasingly popular.
Games have been used as a learning tool for centuriesThe core concept behind game-based learning is teaching through repetition, failure and the accomplishment of goals. Video games are built on this principle. The player starts off slow and gains in skill until they’re able to skillfully navigate the most difficult levels. Games that are planned and designed well will offer enough difficulty to keep it challenging while still being easy enough for the player to win.
Game-based learning takes this same concept and applies it to teaching a curriculum. Students work toward a goal, choosing actions and experiencing the consequences of those actions. They actively learn and practice the right way to do things. The result is active learning instead of passive learning.
. The game-based learning is combined with educational and information technology. From the e-learning carried on, the game-based learning is getting more attention.
In game-based learning, the course content is mapped into the game to provide a scenario environment of learning, the repeated self-learning, and the ongoing interaction and feedback can increase the learning interest and motivation. Hence, game-based learning could reach the goal of learning effectively .